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martedì 16 agosto 2011

Robert Louis Stevenson - Edinburgh

          Robert Louis  Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on 13th November 1850. He was a weak, ill child and he had no brothers or sisters. 
          Stevenson's father was an engineer and he wanted his son to be an engineer too. But Robert Louis Stevenson, wanted to be a writer. 
          His first two books, written in 1878 and 1879, were about his travels in Europe. His most famous books were written when he was older.
          In 1873, when he was 23, Stevenson became ill. He was never well again. Doctors told him that the cold, wet weather in Scotland was bad for hm. So in 1876 he went abroad, to France. While he was there, he met an American woman, Fanny Van de Grift Osborne. Robert and Fanny fell in love. Fanny had two children and she was separated from her hsband.          
     In 1879, Stevenson followed

Fanny to California, USA. Fanny got dovorced from her husband and she married Robert in San Francisco in 1880. The Stvenson famly travelled to many countries.
They lived in England, France and Switzerland as well as in the United States.
          In 1889, they moved to the island of Samoa in the South Pacific. Stevensondied there on 3rd December 1894. Tresure Island  in a children's magazine in 1883. This exiting adventure story made Stevenson famous. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Kidnapped were published in 1886. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is one of the most ppular mystery stories that has ever been written. A lot of movies have been made of it. Other books are The Master of Ballantrae (1889) and Catriona (1893). Stevenson, died before he finished writting Weir of Hermiston.

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